
Husen Mutilasi Bos di Semarang, Pedagang Angkringan Ikut Jadi Tersangka!


An Angringan seller with the alias AI by the name Imam (17) is also a suspect in the case A canister kills the water depot boss In Semarang, Irwan Hutagalung (53). Amnesty International is a key witness in the murder case of Muhammad Hussain (28).

Capolrestapes Semarang Combs Erwan Anwar said that Amnesty International was subject to Article 55, Paragraph 1 of the Penal Code because it learned of Hussain’s death after receiving the story directly from Hussain.

“The priest will be a witness in my cases (Article) 338 (KUHP on murder) and (Article) 340 (KUHP on premeditated murder). On the other hand, he becomes a suspect because he knows about criminal acts,” Erwan said. by Detik GattingTuesday (16/5/2023).

However, Amnesty International was not taken into custody due to the threat of a prison sentence of less than 5 years. Amnesty International was asked to inform the police during the ongoing investigation of the case.

He explained that “the priest is not arrested, so not a single case can be imprisoned if the threat of punishment is less than 5 years.”

FYI, Hussain killed his boss at Jalan Mulwarman, Tembalang, Semarang City. He admitted that he was often annoyed by the beatings, and then took revenge by sadistically killing the victim on Thursday (5/5). The victim was hit on the head with a crowbar, mutilated and castrated at his workplace.

Check out the full news here.


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