
Suhendra ‘Ayah Sejuta Anak’ di Bogor Divonis 4 Tahun Penjara


Accused of child trafficking, Suhendra, better known as ‘Ab Million Annak’, hearing in Cibinong (PN) District Court, Bogor Regency, West Java (West Java). The judge sentences Suhendra to 4 years in prison.

“The sentence is 4 years in prison,” the Public Relations of Chipinong District Court, Amran told reporters, Tuesday (16/5/2023).

In addition to being sentenced to 4 years imprisonment, he was ordered to pay a fine of 100 million rupees, which is a subsidiary of 3 months in prison. It is legally proven that he committed the crime of child trafficking.

“A fine of IDR 100 million for 3 months,” he said.

Alleged child trafficking

Reported by Cibinong District Court Case Tracking Information System (SIPP), Suhendra has been charged with child trafficking. This is regulated in Article 83 juncto 76F of Law No. 35 of 2014 regarding amendments to Law No. 23 of 2002 on Child Protection.

The verdict against Suhendra was lower than the prosecutor’s request. He was sentenced to 5 years in prison.

“Defendant Sahandra, therefore, fixed with 5 years imprisonment, deductible while the accused is in custody by order of the accused to remain detained and a fine of 100 million rupees, a subsidiary of 6 months in prison,” wrote a statement in SIPP PN Cibinong.

Known, Suhendra’Father of a million childrenHe pleaded guilty to child sale and illegal adoption. This was conveyed by Suhendra to the police during the investigation.

“By interrogating S.H., he admitted that his actions were wrong,” said AKP Siswo Tarigan, Chief of Criminal Investigation Unit of Bogor Police, in a press release received by reporters, Thursday (6/10).

It is known that the “father of a million children” has set a price of IDR 15 million for parents who want to adopt a child from him. It is known that adopted children are born to a number of pregnant women without husbands.

Watch also the video: Hendra, “Father of a Million Children”, accommodates 55 lost children

[Gambas:Video 20detik]


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