
Ayo Disiplin! Pengendara ‘Bandel’ Bisa Kena Tilang Elektronik dan Manual


The police reinstated it handy ticket To suppress traffic violations in the streets. With manual ticket enforcement, ticket enforcement will now be performed electronically or manually by members in the field.

Dirlantas Metro Bulda Jaya Combs Latif Usman said that rebellious drivers would later be subject to frequent fines. Any violations that are caught on electronic cameras or violations that are dealt with by officers.

“Oh yeah, maybe (repeated tickets). You see, for example, you are in violation here, here you are in violation, the ticket is issued again. Yes, it could be five times (a ticket is issued), 10 times. Five times you pay the ticket Latif told reporters on Tuesday (16/5/2023): First, the driver’s license was withheld… The three STNK motorcycles are resistant.

However, nice follower, enforcement is not only focused on fines, but it can also be in the form of a warning. Among the violations that will be fined are not wearing a helmet while driving, reversing the current, or changing vehicle plates.

“Our step is enforcement, the connotation of prosecution should not be interpreted as a fine. Ditlantas have stages using signs and symbols. Therefore, as long as we can be reminded, What do you do mentioned. For example, blowing a whistle, eyeIt is also called taking action against us.”

According to the instructions Chief of the National Police General Listeo Sigit Prabowo, Enforcement is not carried out to increase the number of fines. However, this was done to raise public awareness regarding safety in traffic.

He added, “The enforcement we do is just for the purpose of maintaining security and order. It’s not that we want a lot of fines, but instead we want some fines but society in an orderly way.”

Bogor Police prepare manual ticketing rules

A number of regions have reintroduced the manual ticketing system. Meanwhile, in Bogor Regency, the implementation of manual ticketing rules is still being reviewed by the police before they are implemented.

“Yes, we will study again, we will Bring rules too. We will endorse the members again, there has been a lot of progress already,” said Head of Traffic Unit of AKP Bogor Police, Dicky Angie Pranata, when contacted. detikumTuesday (16/5).

“The weakness of the e-ticket is that not many people confirm the violations,” he continued.

It is planned that manual tickets will be issued at Bogor Regency in the near future. Before executing the manual ticket, Dicky said he had to ask permission first from Polda Metro Jaya.

“Maybe at this point, we’ll get Polda’s permission as well. We want the person closest to us check “We will be moving cargo vans with the transportation agency this week around Jalan Tigar Peliman,” he added.

Check out the full news on the full page.

Watch the video too: This is why manual traffic tickets are back in business, and traffic fines are on the rise

[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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