
4.600 Km Jalan Kabupaten/Kota di Jambi Rusak, Provinsi 250 Km


President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) revealed that almost half of the neighborhood/city roads in Jambi have been damaged. In total, 4,600 km (km) of Jambi’s 10,000 km of district/city roads were damaged.

“As for the neighborhood roads, there are 10,000 km of which 4,600 km are damaged. Almost half of the damaged neighborhood/city roads,” he said. Jokowi Upon reviewing Jambi City Road leading to Sungai Gelam Village, Muaro Jambi Regency, Jambi Province, Tue (5/16/2023).

For regional roads, Jokowi revealed that 250 kilometers of roads were damaged. As for national roads, 130 km out of 1,300 km were damaged.

“Then there are 1,030 km of regional roads, of which 250 km are damaged, 25 percent, a quarter. There are 1,300 (km) of national roads, 130 km of which are damaged,” Jokowi said.

Therefore, Jokowi said that the government will reform a number of roads in the future, especially the reform of production methods and logistics methods.

“This is what we checked earlier, the pineapple production road there is really damaged, it is there, we will start (the repairs) later in July, in August,” Jokowi said.

Not only in Jambi province, Jokowi conveyed that there are still many provinces that require addressing road repairs in other provinces. Jokowi also emphasized that the central and provincial governments will jointly work on road reforms.

“It should be done by all the districts, the same county, the same district. But since the roads all over the country, which are part of the regency / city and county, I moved half of it earlier, yes it will be done together, it may not be Completion, maybe two years. Three years we will catch up as soon as possible,” Jokowi said.

Jambi Road Rehabilitation Centre

On that occasion, Jokowi also said that the government would undertake a number of reforms to the provincial and trusteeship roads in Jambi Province. This was done because according to Jokowi, road repairs in the area were urgent.

“(Jalan Desa Tangkit-Desa Sungai Gelam) was formerly a local road, and this road (Simpang Ahok-Simpang Bumi Percampan Sungai Gelam) was a provincial road. This road will be taken over by the center and will be worked on soon. Because if not, the name of The logistics route is very important, and the name of the production route is very important, so this is what comes first, especially if it is badly damaged, it must be done immediately.” Jokowi.

Also watch the video: Jokowi inspects damaged roads again with Mercy, this time in Jambi

[Gambas:Video 20detik]


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