
Tak Jadi Pakai CSR, Perbaikan Jembatan Marunda Akan Pakai APBD


concrete fence Marunda Selensing Bridge which collapsed at the end of 2022 has yet to be fixed. After pre-planned repairs using funds Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), plans have now changed. Fixes don’t use CSR, but use it APPBD DKI.

“The latest information will be fixed by the Bina Marga Service using APBD 2023,” North Jakarta Bina Marga Agency Head Ilham Raya said. detikumTuesday (16/5/2023).

Those concrete fences or barriers need to be fixed. The plan to use CSR funds that have not been implemented is no longer ongoing.

“Before, there was a plan to use CSR, but there was no continuity/clarity,” said Elham Raya.

The concrete fence on the Marunda-Cilincing Bridge that collapsed a few months ago has not been repaired.  This condition is very dangerous for motorists.The concrete fence on the Marunda-Cilincing Bridge that collapsed a few months ago has not been repaired. This condition is very dangerous for motorists. (Primary Pradita/detik.com)

To use DKI APBD funds, the Bina Marga Agency is bidding for the Marunda-Cilincing Bridge Parapet Repair Project. After this process, work will be carried out on site.

“The information from the administration is that they want the bidding process for contractors and consultants,” said Elham Raya.

The Marunda-Cilincing Bridge site is located on the Marunda Access Road, where it crosses the Rawa Malang Cakung Drain, in North Jakarta. This bridge is a port for hopping between Cilincing and Marunda.

The concrete fence of the bridge collapsed from a height on December 29, 2022, due to the vibrations of heavy vehicles that pass it every day. The side of the bridge where the stockade collapsed was fenced off with a concrete palisade and tin fencing. Vehicles of various types are still allowed to cross the bridge.


#Tak #Jadi #Pakai #CSR #Perbaikan #Jembatan #Marunda #Akan #Pakai #APBD

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