
Pemprov Sebut Gubernur Lampung Bercanda Saat Minta Hapus Video Liputan


Lampung’s governor, Arenal Junaidi, banned journalists from recording his activities for fear it would become widely reported. Plh.

Saifullah said, “No, this is not a threat. This is the ruler’s style, he is joking.” Ditik SumatraMonday (5/15/2023).

Saif Allah said in the rolling video, the audience laughed. So make sure it is just a joke by the ruler.

“We can see from the video, a lot of people are laughing too,” he said.

He clarified that what the Governor of Lampung, Arenal, said about the virus bit by bit, was not a form of anger.

“So if I see the governor’s language, then I say it, it’s a joke, there’s no intention of scolding. That’s what I see from the video, his personality is like that, so he doesn’t scold.” He said.

When asked about the governor’s words, he orders the journalists to delete the video. Ahmed argued that he was not there so he does not know the exact chronology.

Read the full news here.


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