
MenPAN-RB Dorong Penguatan Peran Akademisi dalam Reformasi Birokrasi


The Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (PAN-RB) Abdullah Azur Anas encouraged strengthening the role of academics in implementing bureaucratic reform.

Anas explained that synergy and cooperation between actors concerned with the life of the nation and the state is the key to the success of implementing bureaucratic reform.

According to him, academics are one of the actors who also play an important role in implementing bureaucratic reform in Indonesia, along with government, society, business and media.

Anas said in a written statement, Tuesday (16/5/2023): “Academics can act as political contractors, as they can invest and use the resources they have available to identify and analyze policy problems and then propose political solutions to these problems.”

He conveyed this while delivering a scholarly sermon at the Open Session of the United Nations at the opening of the 59th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations in Jakarta, on Tuesday (16/5).

Moreover, Anas said that academics played a wide role in using knowledge, capabilities, capabilities and materials to analyze the policies issued by the government. Academics can also promote evidence-based policies on the results of observations and analyzes based on data and information that is developed in the community.

On the other hand, Anas said, academics also play a role in ensuring that development goals and objectives are met. Therefore, academics can become a bridge between government and society.

He added, “Lecturers can internalize government policies and socialize them in the community as part of Tri Dharma for higher education. At the same time, students can help implement these policies in the community.”

The former head of LKPP also said that when he was still serving as Banyuwangi Regent, he often called on students to raise awareness of pregnant women regarding the importance of paying attention to nutrition and nurturing babies from the time they were in the womb.

“I entrust it, so that the campus will be more effective in campaigning on this matter because the future of our children in 2050 will be determined from now on,” he explained.

Meanwhile, the Chancellor of the United Nations University, Prof. Dr. doctor. Kumaruddin said that his party carried the slogan “Towards a world-class university” on this anniversary. Through this issue, his party will continue to strive to provide a good educational climate.

He concluded by saying, “Serious efforts must be made in order to create a good educational climate and produce human resources with a vision for the future so that they can achieve this world-class campus.”


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