
Kapolda Metro Minta Warga Lapor ke Hotline Bila Ada Intimidasi Penyidik


Metro Bulda Jaya It was officially launched hot line 082177606060 to deal with public complaints. One of them, the public can complain if there is intimidation from the investigators.

“I opened up a kind of dialogue with people who are litigating. So, we provide space for people who are litigating who are complaining, and we seek legal certainty by opening hot lineInspector General Karioto Kabulda Metro Jaya told reporters, Tuesday (16/5/2023).

Kariotto said the community can directly complain about the slow handling of cases. This includes the actions of unscrupulous investigators who intimidate and complicate the investigation of cases.

“I feel sorry for people who feel upset about the incomplete handling of their issues or who may feel that our members lack communication so that they are seen as difficult or time-consuming,” he said.

“The matters that were reported were also clear, for example, I was the reporter, the LP number was, and so was the date in the General Directorate of Criminal Investigation, which the investigator was dealing with, say who the investigator was, and what was his cell phone number even We can ascertain the speed, the things that were complained about eg, the investigators are biased, the investigators are intimidating, etc.”

Kariotto said he would read the complaints directly. If members are found to be slowing down the investigation, Wasidik or Bid Propam will be tasked with taking action against them.

“I will read it and I will have a good disposition, for example there is this behavior, Wasidik calls the parties, or maybe if there is a violation by members, Propam investigates allegations that have occurred of violations by members.” to explain.

It is important to do this to maximize Polda Metro Jaya’s presence in responding to public complaints. Subsequently, complaints submitted will be optimally processed to completion

He concluded by saying, “We hope that there is a channel like this for people who are related to issues or who are disadvantaged or feel that dealing with cases is slow and that others can distribute them.”


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