
Indonesia Sedang di Fase Darurat Penempatan Pekerja Ilegal


Head of the Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Agency (BP2MIBenny Ramdani said that Indonesia is going through an emergency and fragile situation for illegal migrant workers. According to him, there are people behind the departure of illegal migrant workers.

“I would like to convey to the commander of the Indonesian Navy base as well as the ranks, that our country is going through a phase where it can be said that it is vulnerable to illegal quartering, in an emergency illegal situation, why? Because this illegal placement is it,” Benny said during a virtual press conference with Dumai Naval Base on Monday (5/15/2023): “Always again always supported by certain elements that have powers in different places.”

The person who supported the illegal departure of Philip Morris International (PMI) did not represent an organization or organization and was located anywhere, Penney said. He admitted that he launched 1 ASN’s BP2MI Who is allegedly involved in illegal PMI situation since 8 months ago.

“But if the person I’m talking about becomes part of the country’s traitors, it will always be everywhere. Including I gave an example in the organization I lead, 8 months ago I fired an ASN allegedly involved in an illegal situation, this ASN is in BP2MI ” I did a break of 8 months,” he said.

Of the nine million Indonesians working abroad, he said, only 4.6 million have officially left. He said that there are 92,000 Indonesian citizens who have been deported for illegal travel within three years.

“In fact, the number of Indonesians currently working abroad is 9 million, and only 4.6 million are officially registered in our system, which means that there are 4.4 million children of the nation now working abroad, who are suspected of leaving illegally. Unofficially. This is after 3 years of her leadership, we dealt with 92 thousand children of the nation who were deported, the largest from the Middle East, and then from Malaysia as well.

In addition, he reported that there was an element of intent to sink illegally departed PMI boats as a means of deceiving the government. He gave the example of the case of the alleged deliberate sinking of a Philip Morris International boat from the Riau Islands (Kibri) to Johor Bahru, Malaysia in 2021.

“For example, Sir, in December 2021, it was found that the deaths of 22 Children of the Nation who were bound for Johor Bahru from the Riau Islands were the result of an investigation by the BP2MI team led by Inspector General of Police Ahmad Kartiku, Placement and Protection Agent for Europe and the Middle East. The results of the research were Too strong. That the boat sank, so three boats were sent to Malaysia so that the Malaysian and Indonesian officials only focused on the boat that sank, that’s how the two boats survived.

“Therefore there is a strong claim that if a boat sinks and the nation’s children on board die, it is not an accident but an element of intent,” he added.

He said that illegal purchasing managers often do not receive their salary according to salary and are subjected to physical and sexual violence. He said PMI documents were also withheld so that they would not file a complaint with the government.

“We already have a record, those who leave unofficially are exposed to physical violence, sexual violence, unpaid wages because they never adhere to an employment agreement, then unilateral termination of employment, and then they are also traded from one employer to another. Then all documents were confiscated.” or being held by the agency there so that you do not escape and do not file a complaint with our government and our representatives abroad.”

On that occasion, Penny advised the public not to be tempted by the lure of salaries and even 100% financing from brokers to travel illegally. For information, there were 10 PMIs who left illegally almost to Malaysia via Pelintung Beach, Dumai, Riau Province.

“Well, for younger siblings who are almost victims of illegal placement, they never want to be deceived or seduced by the lure of jobs and high salaries, they even promise all the financing they handle because it is actually a lie committed by a tool of decoy.”

Moreover, he called on all parties to push for strict law enforcement in dealing with illegal PMI. He hopes law enforcement will address the brokers and dealers who sent the PMI.

“So let’s push together for a very serious law enforcement effort by law enforcement in this republic that not only jails anchovies, but how the law also jails snappers. Yes, not only jail brokers but how they jail dealers” is done.

(dwia / dwia)

#Indonesia #Sedang #Fase #Darurat #Penempatan #Pekerja #Ilegal

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