
Gagal Nyalip, Pemotor Tewas Usai Benturan dengan Truk di Bogor


incident Motorbike truck traffic occurs on Jalan Raya Jakarta Bogor, specifically in Sukaraga District, Regency BogorWest Java (West Java). One person died as a result of the accident.

In his statement, Tuesday (16/5/2023), Bogor Police Head of Traffic Unit Ibda Anga Nugraha said, “One person died in the accident, the motorcyclist.”

The accident occurred on Monday (15/5) yesterday. In addition, one person was injured in the accident.

“The victim of the accident sustained minor injuries while riding a motorcycle,” he added.

The accident started when the motorbike was traveling from Bogor to Jakarta. Arriving at the scene of the accident, the motorcycle moved into the left lane.

He explained that “motorcyclists move to the right to avoid the Angkot-type vehicles that stand in front of them or slow down.”

When the motorcycle moves to the right, it crashes into a truck. The truck was moving from the same direction towards Jakarta.

He added, “When the motorcyclist moved to the right, there was a collision with a truck that was moving at the same time and was located in the right lane from the direction of Bogor towards Jakarta, which led to a traffic accident.”

It is known that the motorcyclist died at the scene of the accident with a number of injuries to his head, left ear, left hand and stomach. Meanwhile, the motorcyclist sustained injuries to his left elbow.

It concluded, “The victim died and was taken to Cibinong Hospital.”


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