
Program Transmigrasi Sukses Memindahkan-Menata 2,2 Juta KK


The head of the National Awakening Party, Abd al-Muhaimin Iskandar (Kak Amin), considered the deportation program to be a successful one. According to him, the current migration has moved, organized and established a population of ± 2.2 million families or ± 9.2 million people.

“I view this relocation program as a successful program. This program has successfully relocated, organized and placed approximately 2.2 million heads of household, or if the total number reaches 9.2 million people,” Chuck Amin said in a written statement, Tuesday (16). / 5/2023).

He stated this while attending the National Coordination Meeting on Migration and Debriefing for KKN Students at the University of Gajah Mada (UGM), Yogyakarta. On this occasion, he pushed for migration changes from traditional to modern and Transpolitan-based concepts. He explained that the model of modernity in the reincarnation program is a must.

“The concept of modern immigration has been introduced since 2018 which is known as transpolitan migration to answer the various immigration problems that we are currently facing. This program is able to plan and place immigrants in less than one year,” he explained.

On the other hand, modern trans-Politanian immigration is one of the joint efforts to increase the presence of the immigration program, he continued. This is done to accelerate regional development and equalize the population distribution in Indonesia.

“For this reason, I hope that all stakeholders can provide support for this Trans-Politany immigration program. One form of real support is sharing the budget of each of the ministries, institutions and regional governments,” he expressed hope.

Chuck Emin added that the location of internal migration that also includes border areas, in terms of access or resources, has already promoted development and increased economic development in previously isolated areas.

“If we look at the current data, 10,688 (Buktan) farm groups, 1,135 cooperatives, 495 markets, 812 BUMDes and 50 CPO production centers have been formed,” he said.

Chuck Emin also said that the immigration site has also supported the security of the food supply. According to him, there are many displacement sites planted with rice and covering an area of ​​3.3 million hectares, 310 thousand hectares planted with corn, and 1.1 million hectares planted with palm oil.

According to him, the success of the deportation was not the success of the PDTT village ministry, but the success of the many parties involved. Therefore, it encourages cross-sectoral collaboration to build and develop immigration.

“The government together with the DRC, as representatives of the people, in Parliament, work side by side to achieve national development for the welfare of the people. We partner with each other, support each other for the good and benefit of the people of the Republic of Indonesia.”

It is known that apart from the presence of thousands of UGM students participating in KKN, a number of dignitaries also attended the National Coordination Meeting. Among them are the Minister of Villages, Development of Underprivileged Areas and Immigration, Minister of Agricultural Affairs and Spatial Planning/Chairman of the National Land Agency, Governor of the Special District of Yogyakarta, Chancellor of the UGM, and President of the National Land College.


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