
Polisi Tangkap Penjual Jasuke Diduga Lecehkan Bocah di Jakbar


Police have arrested a man with initials A who works as a seller of corn, milk and cheese (jasuki) in Palmyra, West Jakarta. The perpetrator was arrested after the alleged commission Offense towards the child.

“The culprit, Jasuk’s selling profession, has been arrested,” West Jakarta Police Kumpul Criminal Investigation Unit Chief Andrey Kurniawan said when contacted, Tuesday (5/16/2023).

Andrey said a suspect sexually assaulted him on Saturday (6/5). The victim’s family submitted a report on Friday (12/5).

Then the police arrested the perpetrator while he was selling it in Palmyra. A was arrested at night after the victim’s family submitted a report.

“The perpetrator (who was arrested) on the night of Friday the 12th was insured. That’s right (he was caught during the sale),” he said.

Andrey has not yet detailed a timeline of the abuse. He said that A. is still being interrogated by investigators.

“We have secured the perpetrators and they are currently being examined by investigators. Please give us time, and we will explain in detail regarding the development of the case,” he explained.

Watch also the video: Alert! Sexual harassment is all around us

[Gambas:Video 20detik]


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