
Penis Terbakar Saat Khitan, Mediasi Pihak Korban dan Dokter Gagal


9 year old boy dick Burned during circumcision to Pontianak, West Kalimantan. Mediation took place between the victim and the doctor Circumcisionbut to no avail.

As reported by detikcom, the circumcision was performed on April 1, 2022. The child who was circumcised is Bobby’s son. Bobby’s son’s penis burned during circumcision.

The boy’s penis, glans penis and foreskin were burned. The boy’s penis opening was no longer normal because it had moved down. The child was then treated at Fatmawati Hospital in Jakarta, and the child is scheduled to undergo further medical procedures.

Mediation was conducted between the victim and the circumcision doctor, with the assistance of the Pontianak City Provincial Child Protection Committee (KPAD) and the Pontianak City Branch of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI).

“Mediation failed because the alleged perpetrator did not agree to the mediation points offered,” Nia Nurnyat, president of Pontianak City KPAD, told detikcom, Tuesday (5/16/2023).

The last mediation was held on March 20, 2023. The mediation point that the circumcision doctor could not agree on was the issue of compensation for the victim.

“The aim is to compensate financially for the losses caused by the negligence of the perpetrators,” Niah said.

One of the mediators from IDI city of Pontianak, Dr. Wiwick Sudarsu, explained that he has submitted a mediation report. “So far, the mediation has not found a middle point,” Wewick, who was contacted separately, said.

Bobby, the parents of a circumcision victim, feel they have not been served justice. He is still claiming responsibility from the circumcision doctor. Request compensation from the circumcision doctor. However, due to failed mediation, he reported it to Pontianak Police on April 1, 2023.

Contacted separately, Bobby said, “On May 4, I was called to the police regarding my report. I was questioned. As of now I am still waiting. There have been no further developments.”

Now, the case of his son’s penis piercing is still below her. If it’s going to be fixed, there should be another rebuild. But medical reconstruction can’t be done now because he feels sorry for his son. Why not? His son underwent surgery three times.

“I still consult my child’s mentality to a psychiatrist. Including me and my child to a psychiatrist,” said Bobby.

“I hope he (the circumcision doctor) takes responsibility. I hope in the future he will be responsible for my medical expenses yesterday. If he is not responsible, it is unfair,” he said.

detikcom tried to call the relevant circumcision doctor’s number. However, until this news was uploaded, there was no response from the circumcision doctor.

See also “Seconds of railway crossing officers save pedestrians”:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]


#Penis #Terbakar #Saat #Khitan #Mediasi #Pihak #Korban #dan #Dokter #Gagal

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