
Pemkot Semarang Galakkan Pasar Pangan Murah di Rumah Ibadah


The Semarang City Government is again holding the Safe and Cheap Popular Food Market (Pak Rehman) Program to maintain inflation and food security. This time, Mr. Abdul Rahman was detained at Isa Al Masih Church, Responsibility RW 5, Tambakrejo Village, Gayamsari District, Semarang, on Monday (15/5).

Mayor of Semarang Hevirita Junariante or who is often called Mrs. ETA acknowledged that after successfully implementing this program in the month of Ramadan, Eid al-Fitr, targeting districts and districts, her party will continue in places of worship in Semarang.

“Besides the neighborhood and the suburbs, this time Pak-ur-Rahman penetrated into places of worship. Today he is in the church, and later he will also be in mosques and temples. This is for the sake of an equal distribution of society,” he said. ETA in a written statement, Monday (5/15/2023).

Ita hopes that by organizing Pak-ur-Rahman into a place of worship, cohesion and mutual cooperation will be created between the religious communities. He also hopes that the community will benefit from Pak-ur-Rahman’s efforts to control inflation and maintain food security.

“It is the government’s duty to be able to serve citizens not only in the religious field in places of worship but also for the prosperity of the people,” he added.

ETA revealed that during the month of Ramadan, its party conducted an experiment with the Pak-ur-Rahman program in two mosques in Kimijin and Megyn. At that time, Pak-ur-Rahman was in great demand from mosque worshipers, so his party instructed the head of the Food Security Service to continue the program in places of worship after Eid.

“Pak-ur-Rahman will continue until June, and this will be in churches, mosques, synagogues and temples as well if there is a need for this activity,” Ms. Etta explained.

It is known that, during the activities of the Pak Rahman Program in Tambakrejo this time, the Semarang City Government not only held a bazaar but also provided free health checks and treatment as well as distribution of CPP (Government Food Reserves) rice to residents registered in the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS).

“About 580,000 kilograms were saved. That means there are 58,000 packages. So there are about 806 of them in each sub-district of Tambacrejo. They were delivered to DTKS recipients for 3 months (April, May and June),” he said. eta.

ETA also considered that this program was a form of cooperation that was able to encourage the social welfare of the residents of Semarang.

“We’re probably targeting the 86 major sub-districts that we’re targeting with Pak Rehman Plus. So, there’s CPP, there’s social assistance, vaccines, free medical treatment that we’re targeting to be like the other sub-districts. Everything is in the hope that people thrive in these remote areas.” .


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