
Minum Miras Oplosan, 7 Pemuda di Pasuruan Tewas


A total of 7 guys in Pasuruan, East Java, died after an illegal alcohol binge. While 5 other young men were treated.

“They bought alcoholic beverages at Plaza Banjil, and then brought them to Bogar,” said a resident of Masangan Village, Banjil, Pasuruan, Muhammad Muslim (37), in Banjil Police. Ditik JatimTuesday (16/5/2023).

Muslim said the youths bought the liquor because they owned a business in Plaza Bangil. This man from Masangan village said he was worried so he decided to report to the police.

“I want to report that alcoholic beverages are sold there,” he explained.

Meanwhile, the police is still investigating this case. The police haven’t said much about this alcohol case.

“Some say it was mixed, some say it was mixed. We are still investigating,” Benjil AKP police chief Sukhianto said.

Read more here.

See also “Chronology of Cases of Makassar Students Killed in a Mixed Alcohol Party Persecuted”:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]

(Jesus / idn)

#Minum #Miras #Oplosan #Pemuda #Pasuruan #Tewas

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