
MAKI Sindir Ghufron Minta Pimpinan KPK Jabat 5 Tahun: Gak Sekalian 10 Tahun?


Coordinator of the Indonesian Anti-Corruption Association (MAKI) Boyamin Saiman Criticize Vice President of KPK Nour Al-Ghufran who asked to change the term of the KPK chairmanship from 4 years to 5 years. Boyamin sarcastically asked why Guvron did not all demand that the term of the KPK chairmanship be 10 years.

“In the past, Pak Guvron initially sued the current age of the state, so why 5 years and not 10 years at a time? Liability if it’s only 5 years, 10 years at a time if you want it,” Boyamin told reporters Tuesday (16/ 5/2023).

Boyamin is sure that Guvron’s lawsuit will not be accepted by the Knesset member. He said this was because the age or tenure of the KCP leadership had nothing to do with the constitution or the constitution of 1945.

“With regard to (the lawsuit), the age and term of office are not only up to the People’s Congress and the government to regulate, but also to implement the rules, implement the rules, so it has nothing to do with constitutional issues, and it has nothing to do with constitutional issues. Do the contradictory 1945 Constitution or not Paradoxical.

“So, yes, in my opinion, Mr. Govron’s claim will not be accepted or dismissed in my opinion,” he continued.

However, Boyamin said his party still respects Guvron’s efforts to claim the KPK’s mandate. Boyamin said filing a case before the Constitutional Court is a citizen’s right.

“But it’s up to you if this is an effort by citizens to fight for their rights, I still respect them,” Boyamin said.

Ghufron asks the Constitutional Court to change the mandate of the leaders of the Kurdistan Communist Party

Gufron has submitted a judicial review of Law No. 19 of 2019 regarding changes to Law No. 30 of 2002 regarding KPK. Upon reviewing his application to the MK, Guvron asked to change the term of office of the KPK leadership from 4 years to 5 years.

This is known from the minutes of Case No. 112 / PUU-XX / 2022 as seen by detikcom, Monday (15/5). In this case, Gufron sat as petitioner.

“The declaration in Article 34 of Law No. 30 of 2002 regarding the Commission for the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption contradicts the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia of 1945 conditionally and conditionally unconstitutional, and has no binding legal force as long as it is not interpreted,” Guvron’s lawyer, Al-Walidi, said while reading the statement. Al-Saghir is in trial to review the application that was made on Wednesday (12/14/2022).

Knesset member Aref Hedayat al-Bitetum was questioned. He asked why the applicant had asked to change the tenure of the position from 4 years to 5 years.

“Why did you ask for 5 years? Why not 10 years? Why not 12 years or 15 years? Why is that? Because the average for all institutions is 5 years?” Knesset member Judge Aref asked.

My son said, “That’s right, Your Highness.”

Gufron reason

Guvron explained his reasons for submitting an application for judicial review before the Constitutional Court. Guvron admitted that this was done so that the KCP’s leadership period would be compatible with other state institutions.

“I demand justice in accordance with Article 27 and Article 28d of the 45th Constitution so that the term of the presidency of the KCP is the same in 12 other non-ministerial state institutions,” Guvron told Detik Com on Tuesday (16/5). ).

Watch also the video: Nour Al-Ghufroun admits to handing over the dismissal letter to Brigadier Endar

[Gambas:Video 20detik]


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