
KPK Selidiki Dugaan Korupsi Eks Kepala BPN Jaktim, Menteri Hadi Bilang Begini


KPK An investigation has been launched into the alleged corruption of the former BPN chief in East Jakarta (East Jakarta), which went viral due to flaunting his welfare. ATR/BPN Minister Hadi Tjijanto confirmed Sudarman’s removal from office.

I have been fired from my current position,” Hadi said at KPK, South Jakarta, Tuesday (16/5/2023).

Hadi admitted that his party respects the legal process that the party has implemented against Soderman. Hadi said that what Soderman did should serve as a lesson to other officials.

“At the moment we appreciate the operation from KPK. I want to say, this is a lesson for all of us,” he said.

Today Hadi visited his wife and a number of officials from the Ministry of ATR / BPN KPK. They attend anti-corruption education for officials and their spouses.

According to Hadi, the ATR/BPN Ministry has prepared a series of regulations to prevent corrupt practices. However, this policy must also be supported by the integrity of human resources, including spouses of officials.

“Whatever system ATR/BPN is currently building, by digitizing it with an electronic system, but if human resources are not ready, corrupt behaviors will certainly be implemented in many ways,” Hadi said.

The resilient case of Sudarman Harjasaputra is now up for KPK investigation

KPK has launched an investigation into an alleged corruption case of four officials who were widely reported flaunting their wealth. The investigation began after KPK finished checking the Wealth Report of State Officials (LHKPN).

“The investigation has been completed, it has been terminated,” said the deputy prevention and control officer. KPK Pahala Nainggolan at KPK Building, Jalan Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Fri (5/5).

This was conveyed by Pahala when asked about the follow-up procedure from clarifying the assets of the former head of the East Jakarta Land Agency (BPN), Sudarman Harjasaputra. Pahala then said that other officials are now under investigation after an examination of their assets.

“Eko (Eko Darmanto, Head of Customs and Taxes Yogyakarta) has, Andy, Makassar (Head of Makassar Customs), Wahunu (Wahunu Saputro, Head of East Jakarta Tax Office), Alun (Former Director General of Taxes, Rafael Alun Trisambodo). So five Investigating from LHKPN,” Pahala said.


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