
Jokowi Pesan Baju Buatan Siswa SMK di Jambi, Langsung Diukur Badannya


President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) visited SMK Negeri 4 Jambi City. At this vocational high school, which has experience programs in culinary, hospitality, fashion, cosmetology, and spa, Jokowi watched firsthand students doing internships.

When interviewing students majoring in the culinary arts, Jokowi Ask students’ interest in setting up their own bakery business. Almost all students in unison expressed their interest.

Students answered with one vote, “I am sir,” Tuesday (5/16/2023).

Made by vocational high school students in Jambi, Jokowi orders body measurements on the spot (Laily Rachev / Press Bureau of the Presidential Council)Made by vocational high school students in Jambi, Jokowi orders body measurements on the spot (Laily Rachev / Press Bureau of the Presidential Council)

Jokowi also praised the entirety of the hands-on tools and how the students worked on making the cake. Before leaving the room, Grade 11 student Saskia shouts out to take a picture with Jokowi.

“Sir, sorry sir, okay Photograph no? Saskia cried.

Jokowi also agreed to Saskia’s request by turning around in the classroom to take selfies with the students.

Meanwhile, when meeting with the fashion design students, Jokowi praises the skills of the students who have already managed to make party dresses. Jokowi immediately ordered clothes made by the students.

“Try me, make the clothes,” said Jokowi. “Come on, pastor.”

Made by vocational high school students in Jambi, Jokowi orders body measurements on the spot (Laily Rachev / Press Bureau of the Presidential Council)Made by vocational high school students in Jambi, Jokowi orders body measurements on the spot (Laily Rachev / Press Bureau of the Presidential Council)

The two students who were there immediately approached to measure Jokowi’s body. They both looked a little nervous when trying on clothes.

Jokowi said, “Make one first, then send it to the palace. If it’s right, make another one.”

Handing him an envelope, Jokowi added, “This is for the purchase of materials.”

After the visit and tourism practice in all skills programs for 45 minutes, Jokowi Leaving SMK to continue working visits.


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