
Jembatan Nyaris Ambruk Akibat Banjir Tahun 2020 di Lebak Kini Diperbaiki


Bojong Apus Bridge, which nearly collapsed in Sukamekarsari village, Kalang Anyar district, lepacPantene has been repaired. Repairs are due to be completed in two weeks.

watching detikum On Tuesday (5/16/2023), the site witnessed the continuation of the bridge repair process. Building materials, such as sand, cement and wood, are still around the site.

Access to the bridge is also closed. Residents were told not to cross the bridge, which was under repair.

The head of the Department of Public Works and Spatial Planning (DPUPR) in Libak, Irfan Swiatovica, said that the repairs started since the end of 2022.

“If I’m not mistaken, it started at the end of last year, and it’s still going finishingIrfan said.

Irfan explained that the repair of the bridge was carried out by the Ministry of PUPR. The work is scheduled to be completed by the end of May.

“That’s right (the repair), our response came after sending a message about the bridge’s condition. All repairs were carried out by the ministry,” he explained.

It should be noted that the Bojong Apus Bridge started to be damaged by floods in 2020. The condition of the bridge is getting worse over time.

In 2021, the condition of the bridge is close to collapse. Many of the iron bridge structures are rusty. The bridge also looks tilted.

Several iron plates on the bridge floor are also loose, which causes a sound when vehicles pass by. This condition made the government of Lebak Regency close the bridge as it was considered dangerous.


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