
How to Start a Blogger Blog and Make Money in 2023

So you want to create your own blog online right? Otherwise you wouldn’t be here to read this article!

Undoubtedly a wonderful idea, and if it is well applied and invested, it will bring you many positive and fruitful results. Indeed, creating a successful blog may be your way to wealth and make money online.  

But now you may be wondering: How do I create a successful blog?  How do I start?  The Internet is full of different information and every site you consult tells you something different from the site that preceded it.  

And here you may start thinking that it is difficult and impossible, and you may eventually change your mind and back away from taking this step.  

You do not have to miss this golden opportunity, nor give up on this dream of yours, because in today’s article we will put in your hands the comprehensive guide on how to create a blog and profit from it via the Internet.

First: How to Start a Blogger Blog

1. Sign up a Google Account

If you don’t already have a Google account, you’ll need to create one.  This account will be used to access all Google services, including Blogger.  Simply visit the Google Signup page and follow the onscreen instructions to create your email.

2. Go to Blogger

Once you have your Google account, go to the Blogger home page from here, and click the Create Your Blog button.

3. Choose a Title for your Blog

Your blog URL “www.coursnews.shop” is crucial to its success, as people will use it to find and remember your blog.  Choose a title that reflects the content of your blog, a short title that is easy to remember and easy to read.

4. Start Writing your First Article

One you have set your initial blog settings and after adjusting the appearance of your blog and installing a suitable template for it is time to start writing your first post.

To do this, go to the “Posts” section and click on “New Post“.  Here, you can add text, images, and other media to your post.

creating a blog on Blogger is a pretty straightforward process.  By following the steps outlined in this article, you can have your own blog up and running in no time.  But it is difficult and tiring to constantly write content on this blog.

Second: Basics of Creating a Successful Blog to Make Excellent Profits From it

1. Specialization

In the beginning, you must choose a specialization for the blog that you want to create, and what is meant by specialization here is that you choose a general field, then you divide that field into several specializations and smaller fields, and choose a specialization and start with it.

For example of this is the Winners Blog. The blog now talks and provides content in several disciplines (finance and business, e-commerce, self-development, technology), but at first the blog was specialized only in marketing and profit from the Internet.

“Of course in my work as a web marketer I specialize in one thing and this is what I recommend.  The Internet world is vast and rich in an unimaginable way. If you leave yourself to everything, you will lose your focus, and you will not be able to achieve results in anything, so I always recommend specialization.

Therefore, it is important to choose a clear specialization that can provide high-quality content when talking and writing about it, in order to be a pioneer in that specialization, after that you can expand and talk about more topics in the same context and scope of your specialization.

 2. Ensure that the blog is technically compatible with search engines

There are many algorithms used by search engines – the most famous of which is the Google search engine – to rank websites and content on the Internet, but the first and most important of them is that your blog is compatible and technically qualified with search engines.

Third: Most Important Steps to Keep in Mind

1. The blog responds to mobile visitors

According to the statistics of our Winners blog, the vast majority of bloggers browse through mobile devices, with a rate of more than 75%, which means that the blog must be configured primarily for mobile visitors.

Mobile Friendly tool from Google helps you to know how compatible your blog pages are with mobile visitors.  It is a free tool and should always be one of the tools to help you improve the performance of your blog.

2. The speed of blog pages while browsing

One of the most important factors in providing a distinguished user experience for the visitor is that he does not encounter any difficulties browsing the blog or the content inside it, so you should use the PageSpeed ​​Insights tool from Google to find out more information about the performance of your site’s pages, their responsiveness and speed while browsing.

3. Solve Problems in Blog

Google Webmaster tool is the magic solution and your companion on your next trip. Through this tool provided by Google, you can know all the problems facing your site and work to solve them as soon as possible, so that the visitor does not face any problems browsing and consuming the site’s content, and so that you do not encounter engines  Search Problems with crawling and archiving content within the site.

4. Understand The Target Audience

Who is the category that directs the content that you provide?  To answer this question, you must know a lot of details in order to be aware of what the needs, topics, and the way you present the content are preferred by your target audience.

Knowing and defining the target audience is a very important process, and all you have to do at that stage is search and exploration.

Forthly: Ways to Make Money a Blogger Blog

1. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a popular way for bloggers to make money from their blogs.  It involves promoting a product or service and earning a commission for each sale made through a special link.

This method is popular among bloggers as it is an easy way to make money from their blog.  All a blogger has to do is include a link to the product or service in their blog post, and every time someone clicks on it and makes a purchase, the blogger gets a commission.

Note: Before thinking about making a profit through the blog in this way, you must work on building a fan base interested in the content you provide through this blog.

2. Advertisements

Make Money From blog by linking it to an advertising company one of the most popular ways to profit from the blog.  This can be done by linking the blog to Google AdSense or other advertising networks. To make a profit from your blog in this way, you need to fulfill some conditions for blogs to be accepted by Google AdSense.

3. Selling Products

Online Store can be created through which you can promote various products such as: goods, books, clothes, jewelry, digital products, training courses…

4. Promotional Posts

Another way for bloggers to make money with their blogs is through sponsored posts.  This involves writing a blog post about a product or service and the company will pay you for it.  Sponsored posts can be a great way for bloggers to make money, but it’s important to be clear with your audience about the fact that a post is sponsored for a product and not an absolute truth.

What are Expected Profits from Google AdSense?

You now have a blog that has a large number of visitors, and you applied to Google Adsense after applying the criteria and conditions, and you were accepted into the program by Google.  What is the profit equation?

Profit = number of clicks x cost per click.

In order to achieve more profits, you must bring in more visitors in the event that the specialization you are talking about has a low cost per click.

Or to focus from the beginning on a specialization in which the cost per click is high, even if the number of visitors and those interested in it is small compared to other specializations.

The secret of success in this method is to provide the best browsing experience for the user, to produce high-quality content in a niche that has a good click average, and to promote the content well so that it occupies the first positions in search engines, most notably the Google Search Engine.


That was all the information on how to create a blog and profit from it.  I hope the article provided you with the benefit you were waiting for.

I want to know from you: What is the method that you rely on to profit from your blog?  Do you use one method of profit or more than one method?

I would like to know your answer by leaving a comment below the article.

#Start #Blogger #Blog #Money

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