
How to Earnings For Your Website on Google AdSense in Updated Terms

Before considering linking your website to Google Adsense and submitting it for review, this website must meet a set of conditions for the website to be accepted by Google AdSense and I will dedicate an article to talk about when is the right time to submit the Website for review? If you have not activated the notifications button on our site to receive all new information in this regard.

First: Steps to Link Website with Google AdSense

Linking your Website to Google AdSense is a relatively straightforward and easy process.  Here are the steps you can follow to link your blog to AdSense:

1. Register For AdSense Account

Go to the AdSense website and sign up for your own account.  And wait for your account creation request to be accepted.

2. Add AdSense code to your Website 

Once your AdSense account is activated, you can copy your code to add it to your Website.  You can get this code by clicking on ads and then getting the code. After copying it, you can add this code to your blog template under the head by choosing the appearance.

3. Adding Ad Code

After adding code for the site within the html codes of your website, go now to Formatting and add ads in different places, below the main menu, the beginning of the article, the middle of the article, the end of the article…

4. Website Submission 

After doing the previous steps, go to your AdSense account, then Websites, then Add a site, add your domain address as required of you i.e. “coursnews.shop” only.

5. Website Review 

After taking the previous steps, your Website will enter a review that may take a maximum of 15 days.

6. Customize Your Ads 

Once your Website is accepted you can customize the look and feel of your ads to match your Website Design. You can also choose the types of ads you want to show…

7. Start Earning 

Once your ads are set up, you can start earning money from clicks on ads shown on your Website by visitors And better the number of your visits more clicks are likely to be achieved and thus more profit.

Note: In order to preserve your account, do not forget to adhere to the AdSense policies after accepting your blog, to avoid closing the account.

Second: Types of AdSense Ads

Google AdSense provides several types of ads that you can display on your website, including:

1. Text Ads

These are simple text ads that display a title, description, and link.  It is the most popular type of AdSense ad and can blend well with your website content.

2. Display Ads 

These ads include images and can come in a variety of sizes and shapes, such as banner ads, rectangle ads, and ads.

3. In-Feed Ads

These ads are designed to blend in with your website’s content, and can be displayed in your website’s feed, just like your content.

Note: The type of ads you choose depends on the design of your website and the type of content you provide.  It is recommended to try different types of ads and see which one performs best for your website.

Third: What After Linking Website With Google AdSense?

After linking your blog to Google AdSense, there are a few things you should keep in mind to ensure that your ads perform well and make as much money as possible from them:

1. Monitor your Earnings

Monitor your earnings through your AdSense account.  Look at your earnings constantly, and keep an eye on which ads are performing well.  Make adjustments to your ad placement and targeting to improve performance and revenue.

2. Optimize your Content 

Ensure that your content is high quality and attractive, which will help increase your We Website traffic and revenue as well.

3. Follow Adsense Policies 

Make sure you read and understand the Adsense policies and guidelines.  If you violate any of their policies, your account may be suspended or closed.

4. Keep Your Website Fresh 

Keep your Website updated with fresh, exclusive, and non-infringing content.  This will help attract new visitors and keep existing readers engaged.

5. Experiment with different ad placements and formats: 

Experiment with different ad shapes and placements on your website to see which one works best.  You can try different types of ads offered by Adsense such as text ads, display ads, in-feed ads…

6. Keep testing and improving

Keep testing different ad placements, formats, and targeting options, track results and make adjustments accordingly.

By following these steps you can ensure that your AdSense ads are performing well and that you are making as much money as possible from your Website.

#Earnings #Website #Google #AdSense #Updated #Terms

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