
Biasanya Naik Motor, Karyawan di Kuningan Tak Sabar Nunggu LRT Beroperasi


project Greater Jakarta LRT It was announced that it would be tested from July 12, 2023. A number of residents said they were impatient with the completion of the project. Greater Jakarta LRT.

Afrizal, 26, an office worker from Bekasi, said he felt helped if the LRT was available to the public. Afrizal said he will use LRT when he starts working.

“It’s good if you can take the LRT. When you get home from work, you can take the LRT later ajaHe said near Kuningan LRT Station, South Jakarta (Jaxel), Tuesday (5/16/2023).

Afrizal usually rides his personal motorbike to work. However, he admitted that he was tired because the distance was so far and he had to contend with traffic jams.

Usually on a motorcycle. Just It is also far from Bekasi, not to mention the traffic jams. So it is good that there is LRT, because he said there is also a route to West Bekasi.”

Another Cibinong employee, Nita (29), is also waiting to attend the LRT for the general public. Nita admitted that having an LRT would make it easier for her to get to and from work.

“It says it won’t be long before the (LRT) opens. So it’s easy sih You can take LRT if go to work “.

Nita said she went to work all this time using KRL. However, he felt tired because the KRL station was so far from his office.

“Actually, I am also tired because the KRL station is too far from the office. So I need to order another ogol or not take the TransJakarta bus first to go to the office. if There will be an LRT, that’s okay, because there is an LRT station Close,” He said.

As with Nita, Arman (33), another office worker from Kampung Rambutan, East Jakarta, will also use the LRT when it is operational. Arman said the location of his office close to Kuningan LRT station would help him.

“that it Close LRT Kuningan station. There is also a station at Kampung Rambutan. So later it might be better Use it LRT”.

Read more on the next page.

Also watch the video: The UK is interested in working on the LRT project in Bali, Coaster: Implementing Clean Energy

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#Biasanya #Naik #Motor #Karyawan #Kuningan #Tak #Sabar #Nunggu #LRT #Beroperasi

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