
Dokter Gigi Praktik Aborsi Ilegal di Bali Terbongkar, Ini 7 Hal yang Diketahui


One person Dentist opens abortion practice Illegal in Bali. The Bali Regional Police (Polda) has successfully raided the abortion practice of a dentist named I Ketut Arik Wiantara alias A (53) located in North Kuta District, Badung Regency.

Here is what is known about the case of a dentist who opened an illegal abortion clinic in Bali, summarized by detik.com:

1. The start of the dentist’s abortion case

Deputy Director of the Special Criminal Investigation Unit (Wadirreskrimsus) of the Bali Police AKBP Ranefli Dian Candra explained that the beginning of the case of dentists opening up abortion practices was revealed. The case was revealed through an advertisement on a website.

Subsequently, the advertisement of the practice of abortion was investigated by the Sub-Directorate (Subdit) V of the Detrescrimosos Bali Police. The police raided the abortion dentist’s website and found that the doctor with the initial “A” had run out of his practice.

“Investigators raided the site and found that suspect Doctor A was just gone,” Wadirreskrimsus of Bali Police AKBP Ranefli Dian Candra said during a press conference in his office, detikBali reported, on Monday (15/5/2023). .

Coming out with the results of the police investigation on Monday (8/5/2023) around 21.30 WITA time. Ranvli revealed that the abortion practice has been opened by a dentist named I Ketut Arik Wiantara alias A(53) Doctor A since 2020.

“The investigator’s examination caused concern because he received requests from patients for abortions,” said the former chief of Tabanan police, as reported by Ditik Bali.

3. The modus operandi, learn a self-made abortion

According to Ranvli, medical devices for abortion were purchased by Ketut Arik online through a buy and sell website. It is said that the practice of illegal abortion is a modus operandi.

“The modus operandi is that the suspect is practicing medicine without a permit. So the person involved does not have a permit. So this activity is already illegal,” he said.

Additionally, given his profession as a dentist, Arik needs to learn about abortion procedures specifically. Ranfly said Arik learned about the abortion practice through the Internet and books.

“Those who are interested in early self-learning, from the Internet, and from books provided, and understand the methods and mechanisms of performing an abortion,” Ranfly explained.

4. Reasons for the practice of abortion for college students

Wadirreskrimsus Bali Police AKBP Ranefli Dian Candra also said that the practice of abortion is of concern to female high school students and female students. Ketut Arik is willing to abort his patients’ contents for reasons of pity.

“It’s because I feel sorry for these kids,” Ranfly said, “what the future will be like. The intention is to help, but to help the wrong people.”

Ketut Arik is known to charge 3.8 million rupees for aborting a fetus. He is willing to abort the fetus at a very early age, i.e. within two to three weeks.

Check out the full news on the next page

See also video: Couple open an abortion clinic in Bekasi costing IDR 5 million

[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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