
UU Cipta Kerja Dinilai Mampu Mengantisipasi Krisis Ekonomi Nasional


Vice-Chair of the Work Creation Act Working Group on Strategy and Communication, Eng. Reza Damanik, drafting the Job Creation Act (UUCK) was one way to pre-empt the national economic crisis. Especially in the midst of the current unstable global economic conditions, policy makers must be able to create formations to avoid the brink of a global recession.

“Indonesia should prepare some kind of formulation to anticipate the collapse of the country’s economy due to the global situation. Many references say that the economic conditions are expected to get worse in the coming years. So the question is what are our methods to keep the economy from collapsing?” Reza Damanik said in an interview. Written statement, Tuesday (5/16/2023).

Reported by Risa Damanik in a seminar titled “The Presence of Science Conductors in Formulating Comprehensive Law Policies for Job Creation” on Monday (15/5) yesterday.

Risa, who is also the special staff member of the Minister of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises, continued that although Indonesia’s economic growth is in a fairly good state, this should not make Indonesia keep silent. This is because the current global economic conditions are very dynamic.

Risa also presented data showing that so far there have been three main things that have supported the Indonesian economy. These three things are MSMEs, entrepreneurship and cooperatives which later efforts to improve were absorbed into the Job Creation Act.

“This comprehensive law aims to strengthen actors in micro, small and medium enterprises, strengthen national entrepreneurship, as well as improve the cooperative structure of the productive sector,” explained Reza.

According to Risa, the Omnibus Law is important because there are challenges with the entrepreneurial rate in Indonesia which is 3.47%. This number is still relatively low compared to other countries. Therefore, it is important to increase the percentage of youth entrepreneurship in opening businesses and creating jobs so that it grows to 4%.

“On the other hand, the number of young people who are interested in an entrepreneurial career is actually very high. This is about 73% of the total youth population in Indonesia which was then seized by the government as a possibility to recover and boost the national economy.”

Reda also conveyed that strengthening the role of cooperatives as popular economic institutions is the key to the progress of society’s economy. However, in Indonesia, most cooperatives are still involved in the savings and loan sector, rather than the productive sector. This needs to be changed and encouraged in order for savings and loan cooperatives to become productive.

“I believe that the Comprehensive Job Creation Act plays a very important role in the government’s efforts to not only anticipate the risk of uncertainty due to global dynamics, but also to become a formula for rapid response to situations that should be used as an impetus to strengthen the Indonesian economy. It is important to have a rapid response breakthrough. to evolve the situation.

He also requested that public policy not only be a solution to the problems that occur in society today, but that it should be able to see the challenges it will face in the future.

He concluded by saying, “We have an interest in reaching the broader public interest through public policies that can address problems in society and at the same time anticipate developments at the local, regional or even international level.”


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