
Nurul Ghufron Minta Jabatan Pimpinan Jadi 5 Tahun, KPK: Itu Sikap Pribadi


Vice President of KPK Nour Al-Ghufran He submitted a judicial review to the Constitutional Court (MK) on changing the term of office of the party leadership from four years to five years. The KPK views Guvron’s move as a personal gesture.

“It was clarified that Mr. Nur Al-Ghufran’s personal position as a citizen. He has the constitutional right to review the Constitutional Court,” said KPK Reporting Unit Head Ali Fikri at KPK, South Jakarta, Tuesday (16/5). / 2023).

“So we must first separate whether this is the institutional or personal policy of KPK,” he added.

Ali said the work at KPK was not affected by Gufron’s judicial review in the Constitutional Court. According to him, the KPK already has a series of programs to try to eradicate corruption in Indonesia.

“How about KPK doing? Of course we have a program, right? We have a roadmap that we have compiled for the year 2045. We have compiled a hundred (year) independent Indonesia,” he said.

Ali admitted that KPK already has a system. Through this system, Ali said, work at KPK will no longer depend on a leader alone.

Ali said, “Whoever will implement a road map, we will arrange it by the leadership of the Kurdistan Communist Party. How prevention, prosecution and anti-corruption efforts should be implemented continuously, whoever the leader is.”

He added that the steps taken by Gufron in the Constitutional Court cannot be linked to the position of the Kurdistan Communist Party as an institution. However, Ali admitted that he respects the judicial review conducted by Noor Al-Ghufroun as a constitutional right for every citizen.

“Don’t be confused, it is as if this is a policy of the KPK party itself that wants to extend (the term of office of) the KPK leadership,” Ali said.

“What is certain is the right of the citizens to submit a constitution, whatever it is, no one forbids it, that the decision be made in the constitutional court. So no one may judge this as morally immoral, may or may not yes it is permissible because These are the personal rights of citizens.

Test subjects Ghufron in MK

There are three reasons why Gufron asked the Constitutional Court to change the term of office of the KCP leadership from four years to five years. First, he referred to Article 7 of the 1945 Law related to the period of rule in Indonesia which is in the period of 5 years.

“The legal ideal as stated in Article 7 of the 1945 Constitution, the term of government in Indonesia is 5 years, so the entire term of government should be 5 years,” he said.

Guvron also compared tenures in 12 non-ministerial government institutions such as Komnas Ham and Boaslu. It is known that dozens of state institutions have a mandate for their leaders for 5 years at a time.

Twelve non-ministerial government institutions (Auxiliary state agency) eg Komnas HAM, ORI, KY, KPU, Bawaslu etc. every 5 years. It would violate the principle of justice as in Article 27 and Article 28d of the 1945 Constitution (unconstitutional) if not rectified/equated,” Guvron said.

In the latter reason, Guvron said that the KPK’s four-year term of office is contrary to the National Development Plan contained in Law No. 25 of 2004. He considered that changing the term of office would also equate the KPK’s eradication of corruption program with that of the government. National development plan.

“The time period for national development planning according to Law 25/2004 is 25 years RPJPN, and the fifth RPJMN will have consequences for planning watching And the evaluation of development, so if the 4-year eradication of corruption program is difficult and out of sync, the evaluation of the results of the eradication of corruption performance,” Govron said.


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