
KLHK Bentuk Tim Gabungan Bareng PPATK Buat Perkuat Penyidikan TPPU


The Ministry of Environment and Forestry’s Directorate General of Law Enforcement (Gakkum KLHK) has set up a joint team to deal with alleged money laundering offenses (TPPU) together with the Financial Transaction Reporting and Analysis Center (PPATK). A joint team has been set up to enhance the deterrence and prevention impact of environmental and forest crime settlement and asset recovery (TPLHK).

It was decided to establish the joint team between the Directorate General of Law Enforcement in the Ministry of Environment and Forests and the Center for Reporting and Analysis of Financial Transactions (PPATK) through a decree (SK) issued by the Director General of Law Enforcement and Environment in the UAE. Ministry of Environment and Forestry No.: SK.37 / PHLHK / PHPLHK / GKM.3 / 05/2023 dated May 11, 2023.

Director General of Legal Aid Policy, Environment and Forest Ratio, Rideau, said that the implementation of the Money Laundering Act is one of the keys to successful recovery of victims’ losses, whether it be the environment, society or the country. In addition, this also provides a deterrent effect for LHK crime proceeds beneficiaries, follow the money to pursue suspects.

“We believe that the implementation of the money laundering law will create a deterrent and justice effect and increase the benefits of applying the environment and forest laws,” Sani said in a written statement, Tuesday (16/5/2023).

Sani added that the Ministry of Environment and Forestry is really supportive of strengthening Indonesia’s position in the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). This support can be seen in the formation of a joint TPPU team consisting of LHK paralegal investigators and a support team, as well as representatives of PPATK analysts.

Furthermore, Sani said, the TPPU joint team should also produce real work towards improving TPLHK’s alleged ML handling, including asset tracking and recovery.

Apart from that, the steps also taken by the Ministry of Environment and Forests were to strengthen the authority of the crime of origin investigators through judicial review through the Constitutional Court by the Civil Servants Investigators (PPNS) of the Ministry of Environment and Forests and the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. PPNS authority was granted based on Constitutional Court Decision No. 15 / PUU-XIX / 2021.

The LHK Minister also promoted the prevention and elimination of money laundering by cooperating with the Chairman of PPATK with Memorandum of Understanding No.: PKS.10 / MENLHK / SETJEN / KUM.3 / 10/2019 on cooperation in the context of prevention and elimination. Money laundering crimes in the environment and forests.

According to Sani, forming a joint money laundering team is important given the risk of money laundering caused by TPLHK and to increase deterrent effect and justice. The initiation of the ML joint team is a form of implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding between PPATK and the Ministry of Environment and Forestry No.: PKS.10 / MENLHK / SETJEN / KUM.3 / 10/2019 on cooperation in the context of prevention and elimination of money laundering crimes in the environment and forests.

He also explained that the joint money laundering team had deviated from the provisions of Article 46 of Presidential Regulation No. 50 of 2011 regarding the procedures for implementing the authority of the Center for Reporting and Analysis of Financial Transactions, explaining that a joint team consisting of Al-Misnad could be formed. Crime Investigators and PPATK.

According to Sani, the investigation into allegations of money laundering arising from environmental and forest crimes is an entry point for KLHK’s Gakkum investigators to prove the concealment of crime proceeds through TPLHK’s money laundering operation. LHK offenses are vulnerable to money laundering offences.

Therefore, the TPPU Joint Team has duties and responsibilities, including preparation and implementation of a strategy for dealing with suspected money laundering from TPLHK, including tracking and recovery of assets arising from analysis reports and inspection results provided by PPATK.

This team will also conduct formal and informal cooperation with counterparts from other countries in order to better deal with TPLHK’s alleged money laundering. Collaboration and consolidation with other countries to trace the origins of money laundering is crucial, because the development of LHK crimes has also become part of transnational organized crime involving the use of technology in it.

Meanwhile, LHK’s Director of Criminal Law Enforcement Yazid Noorhoda as the head of the joint team explained that the motive behind LHK’s crimes was financial gain. In addition, it is also ascertained that there is circulation of financial transaction flows in an effort to conceal or disguise crimes and assets from the proceeds of crime.

Yazid added that investigating money laundering through a financial investigation approach with the principle of follow-up of funds (money/asset flow tracing) is a strategy that LHK Gakkum investigators should implement.

“Money is the main motivation for perpetrators of organized crime, and financial investigations make it easier for LHK investigators to trace assets and recover TPPU assets arising from TPLHK crimes,” Yazid explained.

He added that the TPPU joint team will subsequently enhance the line of efforts to eradicate money laundering from TPLHK and open up opportunities for detection and shift the focus from low-level perpetrators (field actors) to high-level perpetrators (financiers/beneficiaries).

See also “When BNPB Unveils Indonesia Forest Fire Prevention Strategy”:

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